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The Saint Mark’s Conference concerns the confessional, sacramental, and liturgical life of the Church of the Augsburg Confession.
The Rev’d David Petersen, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, will be speaking on the topic of “Preaching and the Liturgy.” A well-known and well-loved preacher in our synod, Pastor Petersen is also a member of the editorial staff of Gottesdienst: The Journal of Lutheran Liturgy. He received his Masters of Divinity from Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne in 1996 and his Masters of Sacred Theology in 2011, also from CTSFW.
Dr. Leo S. Mackay, Jr., will give a layman’s perspective on the same topic. Dr. Mackay is a member of Immanuel Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Alexandria, Virginia, corporate vice-president of Lockheed-Martin, former deputy secretary of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, and a member of the Board of Regents of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. He is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and of Harvard University.

Attendees will also have the privilege of hearing two additional presentations: the Rev’d Eric R. Andrae of First Trinity Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Pittsburgh will be speaking on the evangelical and catholic witness of the sainted Swedish Lutheran bishop, the Rt. Rev’d Bo Giertz; and the Rev’d Roy Axel Coats, pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (LCMS) in Baltimore will present on the relationship between dogmatics and preaching in the work of the great seventeenth-century Lutheran theologian Johann Gerhard.
The St. Mark’s Conference is hosted by Our Saviour Lutheran Church and her pastor, the Rev’d Charles McClean. Pastor McClean is a graduate of Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis. His Master of Sacred Theology thesis, Theological Issues at the Colloquy of Montbeliard 1586, was prepared under the supervision of the Rev. Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn. Pastor McClean is editor of The Conduct of the Services.