Our Saviour Parish News, January, 2025


3301 The Alameda
Baltimore, MD 21218
January, 2025

The Epiphany Of Our Lord, Monday, January 6th
Festival Divine Service, 7:30 P.M.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am writing these lines on the fifth day of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Although the world more or less forgets Christmas after Christmas Day, the Church has always celebrated the festival of our Savior’s birth for twelve days and then on the next day – on January 6th – celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany of our Lord. Because the magi who had been led by the wondrous star were the first Gentiles to worship the Christ Child, Epiphany has often been called The Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. The coming of the magi is the beginning of the gathering of all nations around the Savior of the whole world.  In this new year of 2025 January 6th falls on a Monday, and so we will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany with a Festival Divine Service at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, January 6th. We’ll sing the familiar carols: The First Nowell, What Child is This, and We Three Kings of Orient Are, and also William C. Dix’s lovely Epiphany hymn, As With Gladness Men of Old. The Chief Hymn will be The Star Proclaims the King is Here, a hymn by Coelius Sedulius. Written in the 5th century, Luther translated the hymn from Latin into German. We English-speaking Christians use the splendid translation of John Mason Neale, the great nineteenth century translator of the ancient Greek and Latin hymns. In singing these hymns which have been sung by Christians down through the long centuries of the Church’s life, we experience something of the communion of saints in heaven and on earth. To prepare for the Epiphany celebration it is helpful to read the Scripture readings appointed for the festival: Isaiah’s great prophecy in Isaiah 60:1-6 and Saint Matthew’s account of the coming of the wise men in Matthew 2:1-12.

In the December newsletter I said that we might have a guest soloist on Christmas Eve – and we did! Sylvia Witt sang Adolphe Adam’s Cantique de Noel, O Holy Night, just as Judy Volkmann had for many years. If you were present on Christmas Eve, you know that it was a real treat to hear Sylvia sing! She is the wife of Pastor Lucas Witt who was recently installed as Executive Director of the Lutheran Mission Society of Maryland. Thank you, Sylvia!

Bernie Knox tells us that through the generosity of congregational members we were able to provide 12 needy families identified by the Waverly School with a $90 Aldi gift card at Thanksgiving and a $75 gift card at Christmas.

We have received the following message from Gary Watson:

The Watson family would like to thank Pastor McClean, the Church Council, and members of Our Saviour Lutheran Church for your prayers, cards, calls, support and encouragement during Juliana’s lengthy illness and Gary’s hospitalization. We have been truly blessed through your kindness and prayers. God bless you all!

As of this writing Frank Ford is hospitalized and asks us to remember him in our prayers.

Our good friend Pastor Elliott Robertson, who was for many years Pastor of Martini Church, recently suffered a heart attack and has undergone coronary bypass surgery. The surgery was successful and he is now recovering at home. To aid his recovery he will be “incommunicado” for the month of January. Please keep him in your prayers.

As disciples of the Prince of Peace we continue to pray for peace throughout the world: in the Middle East, in Ukraine, in Sudan, and so many places where innocent human beings are suffering the brutal realities of war. Do remember that you can provide help through our Synod’s Contributor Care Line (888-030-4439) or by sending a check to LCMS World Relief and Human Care, PO Box 66861, Saint Louis, M0 63166-6861. Mark your check payable to The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and designate the check for LCMS World Relief and Human Care. You can also donate through our Synod’s secure website: lcms.org/givenow/mercy.

We continue to remember in prayer Bridget Bauman, James Bauman, Christopher Bell, Bertha Buchanan, Dana Carmichael, Quilla Downs, Bunny Duckett, Steve and Joyce Eaves, Albert Ford, Frank Ford, Iris Ford, Yolanda Ford, Sean Fortune, Sherry JamesGloria Jones, Althea Masterson, Jake Mokris, Mary Mokris, Pastor Elliott Robertson, Marian Rollins, Julia Silver, Robert Siperek Jr., Lawrence Smallwood, Dennis Watson, Gary Watson. Yolanda Ford remains at Future Care, 1046 North Point Road, Baltimore, MD 21224.

Those of us who are of a certain age remember a time when the year 2000 seemed to be a long way off, yet here we are already completing the first quarter of the 21st century! As this new year of our Lord begins, we remember the words of the 90th Psalm: “Lord, Thou hast been our Dwelling Place in all generations…A thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday when it is passed and as a watch in the night.” The eternal God is our Dwelling Place and in His incarnate Son, the Word made flesh, He has made His dwelling place in this world He loves and came to save. We do not know what the future holds, but we do know the One who holds the future in His hands, those hands which in glory still bear the marks of the nails, the marks of His love. He is Jesus – which means Savior. He is Emmanuel – which means God with us. Knowing Him, we know enough..

Jesus our Emmanuel comes to us every Lord’s Day and every Holy Day in the Sacrament of the Altar. In this Sacrament of His Body and Blood “given and shed for the forgiveness of sins” He is truly our Savior, He is truly Emmanuel: God with us. The only question then is this: Will you be there to receive Him when He comes?

I wish you a blessed and happy new year!

Affectionately in our Lord,

Pastor McClean