Our Saviour Parish News, September 2016


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

September 7th is the eighty-sixth anniversary of the dedication of this wonderful church building in which we worship the triune God, hear His Word, and receive the holy Sacraments. At the service of dedication on the morning of that day the preacher was Pastor William Dallmann who in the year 1892 had led the little group of faithful laymen, formerly members of Immanuel Church then on south Caroline Street (now at Loch Raven and Belvedere), who had come together to establish a church in which Christ’s true Gospel would be preached in the English rather than in the German language, His sermon at the dedication of our church building: “Confessing Christ in Augsburg in 1530 and in Baltimore in 1930,” drew attention to the fact that the same faith which had been joyfully and faithfully confessed by the Lutheran princes and cities before Emperor Charles V in the city of Augsburg in 1530 would be confessed also here in this building being dedicated four hundred years late. And so the cornerstone of this church building reads: “The Church of Our Saviour Evangelical Lutheran U. A. C.” “U.A.C.” stands for Unaltered Augsburg Confession. Why unaltered? Because attempts had been made already in the sixteenth century to change the teaching of this Confession, notably the article concerning the Holy Sacrament, so as to make the Confession acceptable to those who do not believe in the Real Presence of the true body and blood of Christ in the Sacrament but see the Sacrament as nothing more than a memorial meal in which the bread and wine merely represent the Lord’s body and blood. And so that “U.A.C.” On our cornerstone not only expresses our church’s adherence to the Augsburg Confession in general but also to Article X of that Confession in particular, that Article in which the Real Presence is confessed. And it is the Real Presence which makes of the Sacrament a heavenly feast of love and joy, the very center of the Church’s life.

Although the Augsburg Confession is the Lutheran Church’s principal confession of faith, the Small Catechism is that confession of faith with which most Lutherans are familiar. Luther prepared this Catechism for the instruction Of children. At first the Catechism was printed on large charts and eventually in an illustrated booklet. You may have noticed the large posters with the text of the Catechism now hanging in the hall just outside the door next to the chancel entrance. These have been given by Paul and Mary Techau and we thank them for this gift. These charts serve to remind us of Dr. Luther’s words: “Every morning, and whenever have time, I read and recite word for word the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Psalms, etc. I must still read and study the Catechism daily, yet I cannot master it as I wish, but must remain a child and pupil of the Catechism, and do it gladly.”

I very much enjoyed my trip to Milwaukee in early July as a pastoral delegate to the triennial convention of our Church body. In a day when there IS so much division even within Christian churches the convention showed that our Synod is a remarkably united Church. It is – as it has in fact been since its founding in 847 – still very. much a Church of the Augsburg Confession. The presence of leaders from overseas showed that our Synod is part of a worldwide fellowship of faithful, confessing Lutherans. Pray for our Synod, its congregations, its pastors, its schools, and all its leaders, especially for Pastor Matthew Harrison who serves as President of Synod.

I have again been asked to speak at the annual Saint Michael’s Conference at Zion Church in Detroit on September 26th. And so I will leave for Detroit after Divine Service on Sunday, September 25th and will return to Baltimore late in the afternoon on September 27th. If you need a pastor while am gone, you may call our good friend Pastor Roy Coats at 443.745.9200. The Saint Michael’s Conference focuses on the sacramental and liturgical life of the Church.

Our last Free Flea Market in 2016 will take place this coming Saturday, September 10th from 9:00 a.m. until noon. We always need help with putting out the goods and then putting away those that remain afterward. This is a fine opportunity to meet our neighbors and introduce them to Our Church.

On the following day, Sunday, September 11th, there will be a Potluck Lunch following Divine Service. Do Join your fellow members for this! If your name begins with A-CA bring a salad; H-L, a main dish; M-Z a dessert. Drinks will be provided.

September 11 is also the first day of Sunday School for children. I thank Mary Techau, Helen Gray, and William Hawkins for making this happen. Sunday School will begin with breakfast at 9:45 A.M.

There will also be class for adults who wish to be confirmed or review the Church ‘s teaching. As of this writing we still have not fixed a time for this.

It is not too soon to mention that Sunday, October 9th. will be our annual Family Day. Pastor Jacob Okwir, the newly ordained and installed Pastor of Saint James’s Church in Overlea will be the preacher. Having been born in Sudan and having studied at the universities of Khartoum in Sudan and Nairobi in Kenya, he and his family came to this country where he studied for the Holy Ministry at Concordia Seminary in Saint Louis. Following Divine Service there will be a luncheon. Fried chicken and ham will be provided. We are asking that everyone bring a side dish for this meal. Family Day is always a happy occasion. Do plan on being present.

We extend our Christian sympathy to Lucille Carmichael and her family on the death Of her husband, Dr. Robert Carmichael. May he rest in peace and may Our heavenly Father comfort all who mourn his departure.

Let us continue to pray for one another and for all the Lord of the Church will send to us.

Affectionately in our Lord,
Pastor McClean

Works of Mercy

There is always need for non-perishable food items to stock the shelves at the CARES Community Food Pantry. A new school year has begun and food need has increased. As usual, the need is for peanut butter, jelly, canned vegetables, rice, boxed mashed potatoes, cereal, tuna fish, etc. Any donation large or small will help alleviate hunger.

Neighbors in need can visit the Food Pantry which is located at 5502 York Road in the rear of Saint Mary’s church. CARES allows customers/clients to choose the foods that their household members prefer. A nutritional guideline based on family size is provided on site. Hours of operation are Mondays and Thursday from 9:00 A.M. until 11:00 A.M. CARES also assists individuals and families with pending evictions, utility shut off and prescription needs.

Helping Up Mission

We are encouraging members to drop spare change in the collection boxes located in the front and rear of the Church. The change will be used to purchase grooming items for the men in recovery at the Helping Up Mission. We are still collecting personal size grooming items, tooth paste, shampoo, foot powder, etc.; additionally we are collecting socks, tee shifts, (new or gently worn) to be delivered to the Mission. If you have items designated for the Mission, please deliver them to Quilla Downs, Judy Volkman, or Mary Techau. The Mission is a recovery program with a high rate of success in fighting addiction and homelessness. As we do unto the least of these, we do unto Him.

– Quilla Downs

Our Saviour Parish News, July/August 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The month of July brings the triennial convention of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod which this year will be meeting in Milwaukee July 9-14. Since I have been elected as pastoral delegate from the circuit of churches to which we belong, I will be leaving for the convention on Friday, July 8th and will return on the 15th. If you are in need of a pastor while I am away, you may call James Gray  and he will contact Pastor Foelber. Do remember to pray for the delegates assembled in convention that they may be guided in their deliberations by the Holy Spirit. I will be traveling to and from convention with our good friend Pastor Coats who is delegate for the west Baltimore circuit of churches.

Our next free flea market will be held this coming Saturday, July 9th from 9:00 A.M. until 12:00 noon, rain or shine. We always need people to set up and take down and to greet the people who come. This is a way of sharing with our community and making ourselves known. There will also be a free flea market on Saturday, August 9th. Contact Judy Volkman if you are able to help.
As always I must remind you of continued need of non-perishable food items for the community food pantry. There is also the on-going need of grooming items for the men at the Helping Up Mission.

Trent Demarest, Maritza, and little John are now settling in at their new home in Cheyenne, Wyoming. I already miss them very much. I must thank the men of the congregation for the delightful barbecue they arranged for the Demarests on their last Sunday here at Our Saviour. Do remember Trent and Maritza and John in your prayers as they begin this new chapter of their lives.

We will be having Vacation Bible School from Monday, July 18th, through Friday, July 22nd, from 9:00 A.M. until 12 noon. Breakfast and lunch will be provided and Pastor Coats will be here to teach the children. Children from kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to attend.

Saint James’s Church, 8 West Overlea Avenue, invites us to attend the ordination and installation of their new pastor, Jacob P. Okwir, on Sunday, July 17th at 4:00 P.M. A dinner will follow. If you plan to attend the dinner please RSVP by July (410.668.0158).

Do remember that the financial needs of the Church continue throughout these summer months. It of course goes without saying that believers will be in the Lord’s House every Lord’s Day to give thanks on this first day of the week when our Savior rose from the dead to save us, to hear His holy Word and to receive Him in the blessed Sacrament of His Body and Blood. Pray for our congregation and for me – though unworthy – your pastor.

Affectionately in our Lord,


Pastor McClean

Our Saviour Parish News, June 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On the Feast of Pentecost, May 15th, three new members were received into our congregation. The new members are Merton Masterson, Scott Jones, and Richard Brown. Scott’s young son, Ted, has become a baptized member of our congregation. We welcome them heartily and pray that we may be a blessing to one another.

June 12th, the Third Sunday after Trinity, will be Vicar Trent Demarest’s last Sunday here at Our Saviour. He has accepted a job offer to teach at a Lutheran parish day school in Wyoming. He will be teaching seventh and eighth grade with emphasis on theology, history, and Latin. I think that everyone will agree that we have certainly been blessed by the presence of Trent and his lovely wife Maritza during this past year. And then there has been the joy of the birth and baptism of their son John and watching him grow.

Vicar Trent has been a tremendous help to me. I am very grateful to him for creating the fine website for our church and for keeping it up to date. This is an important part of outreach beyond the walls of the church building. I am going to miss Trent, Maritza and little John very much, but I am convinced that this new chapter in their lives will be a blessing to them. As a token of our gratitude, we are gathering a collection to give them as they go on their way. You may write a check to Our Saviour clearly marked “VICAR.” On the Demarests’ last Sunday with us the men of the congregation are having a barbecue after Divine Service.

The new Church Council was elected at the May Voters Meeting and will be installed on Sunday, June 19th. The new Council includes Gabe Purviance, president; Judy Volkman, secretary; Mary Techau, education; Paul Techau, property; Jake Mokris, worship; Gary Watson and Lynetric Bridges, members at large. They will be installed during the Divine Service on June 19th. Keep them in your prayers as they take counsel for the work of this congregation. I must also take this opportunity to thank the out-going members of the Council: Frank Ford, Anthony Baylor, James Gray, Cathy Gray, George McMillan, Christine and Donald Watson.

I also wish to thank all those who participated in the spring clean-up day on Saturday, June 4th, and Anthony Baylor for taking leadership in making this happen.

June 19th will also be the Sunday for our participation in the National Offering for our Synod which will be meeting in convention at Milwaukee July 9th-14th. Checks may be made out to Our Saviour Church clearly marked “SYNOD.” Remember the upcoming convention of our Synod in your prayers that the Holy Spirit would guide and direct its deliberations. As I mentioned in the May newsletter, both Pastor Coats and I are pastoral delegates to Convention.

I am happy to note that for some time now there has been a modest increase in Sunday church attendance. It of course remains to be seen what the summer will bring. I am personally convinced that, if we truly understand what Sunday is for and what the Divine Service is, we will be eager when Sunday comes to join our fellow Christians.

Sunday is the weekly celebration of Christ’s resurrection in which is all our hope. In the Divine Service Christ Himself not only speaks His word of pardon and peace but also feeds us with His holy Body and precious Blood, the price of our redemption, the pledge of our resurrection. We do not gather on Sunday to remember an absent Savior: we come to meet our risen Lord and Savior truly present in these Holy Mysteries. The Divine Service is called “divine”— meaning “having to do with God”— because God Himself here serves us by giving out His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation as we hear His Word and receive the holy Sacrament. Ponder these things in your heart— and act!

Let us continue to pray for one another and for those the Lord will send to us.

Affectionately in our Lord,



Pastor McClean

Works of Mercy

Helping Up Mission has a long history of transforming the lives of fallen men in Baltimore. Our Saviour continues to assist the Mission with their fine work. The Mission is in constant need of the most basic items of clothes and grooming products. It has come to our attention that there is an urgent need for new and/or gently worn socks, underwear, tee and undershirts. In addition personal size, alcohol free mouth wash, stick deodorant, body and foot powder are needed. Bar soap and shower gel are also needed. Delivery of collected items will be made in a few weeks. Thank you for sharing and bringing hope to our neighbors who are recovering from homelessness, poverty, and addiction.

And canned food products and package food are always needed for our CARES neighborhood food bank. Many thanks for your gift of food.

– Quilla Downs

Free Flea Market

We have been blessed with a donation from Orphan Grain Train with forty boxes of summer clothes for men, women and children. They are a national organization that sends relief supplies to other countries, as well as within the USA. We came by this bounty through Cricket, our secretary, and the fact that they needed to distribute a number of boxes of items in order to move into their new warehouse. We will also be taking items for the flea market from members of Our Saviour, as we are sharing our gifts, material and spiritual, that God has so freely given us. Flea Markets will be held on the second Saturday of each month, June through September. Join us on June 11th to share those gifts with others in the community.

– Judy Volkman