
Basic Lutheran Beliefs

We believe, teach and confess that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord, and that through faith in Him we receive forgiveness of sins, eternal life and salvation.

We confess that “our works cannot reconcile God or merit forgiveness of sins and grace, but that we obtain forgiveness and grace only by faith when we believe that we are received into favor for Christ’s sake, who alone has been ordained to be the mediator and propitiation through whom the Father is reconciled” (AC, XX, 9).

We believe that God gives to us His gifts of Life and Salvation through His divinely-ordained Means of Grace; that is the Word and the Sacraments that are given to us each week in Divine Service. He works through these means to strengthen our faith as we continue to live in the world.

Holy Scripture alone is the sole rule and norm of faith for the Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Book of Concord (1580) is the ‘normed norm’ of Lutheran beliefs.

Our Saviour is a member church of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. For more information on the LCMS, please click here.